Element 3 (ii) Assessment of students. Procedures for External Examiners. [Ref. Hetacs 2008 Supplementary Guidelines for the review of the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures]

Are you aware of the following documents?
Yes No
Element Three of part One of the European standards and guidelines
Hetac Code of Practice for External Examining

Element Three of part One of the European standards and guidelines

Hetac Code of Practice for External Examining

Are you aware of the following internal documents and records?
Yes No
External examiner reports
Actions taken in response to external examiner recommendations
Learner satisfaction with assessment
Information and feedback provided to external examiners
Selection process and criteria for external examiners

External examiner reports

Actions taken in response to external examiner recommendations

Learner satisfaction with assessment

Information and feedback provided to external examiners

Selection process and criteria for external examiners

What are the institutions objectives for the external examining process?

Do the outcomes of external examining meet these objectives?

What actions have been taken and recorded on issues raised in external examiner reports?

What feedback is provided to external examiners on the actions taken?

How is learner satisfaction with assessment procedures captured? Has learner satisfaction changed?

How effective is the external examining process at comparing the attained learning outcomes of graduates with those of similar programmes in Ireland and beyond?

What evidence is considered?

How does external examining fit into the overall planning and quality system?

What criteria and process are used in the selection of external examiners? How effective has this been?

What supports has the institution established for its external examiners (e.g induction, training, etc.)?

Are there any unanticipated or unintended impacts?

How effective is the external examining process?